open your AAAUUUUUUUF!!!

 -- feel the nuts MAUL
The ghetto-whackness that is moving had to go down on the 4th. We didn't get to freakin' ultra-mega sleep in on that fine holiday, but oh well. So Russ' folks needed our giga-yolks to help suckas move, so we mob all the way to the AV at the unholy hour of 7 in the AM, well only unholy cuz it's a holiday. Anyhoo we first stopped at Krispy Kreme to get some dooooooooooooooonuts, two dozen of em. Then we went to Russ' folks apartment. We got there around 8:15 or something like that, and then we just giga-chilled and feasted doooooooooooonuts until like 9 or a little later when other roachdillios started showing up. We had mad help, so it really didn't take that long to load the U-Haul-a-sucka. The first load over was a cloak pease of caaaaaake with a little lemon-fired bacon bits (FEAST in all his glory slobbers and licks his lips from the sound of me mentioning specialty flavored bacon bits, eventhough that foo is getting his aqua-verky-verk on at Costco.) While unloading the first loooooooooaaaaaaaaaaf, I mean load, I was bringing Chrissy's computer into her room and sweet-merciful-sweetnitch, I giga let one fly. That mess was too nasty, Russ almost keeled over as he walked in the room. Then he said, "dang foo, what a ruthless way to christen this pease, that a boy." I said, "but of course, thankee." So we finish the first load and roll back to the apartment, we took a detour and went to 7-11 for giga-gulps. I got 7-up and Russ got hybrid Cherry Sprite. We get back to the apartment and foo's still aren't back yet, so we just layed on the floor marinating with Ashley and Chrissy til everyone got back. Then ruthless-giga-yolks got activated, the almighty piano was our next task. That mess was GIGA, it took four of us as usual, but we conquered that biiistro without abandon down the stairs. We also got at the fridge too, but that wasn't bad at all. Then pretty much after we finished loading stuff, we feasted some grubway, chips, and the most illusive-almighty-giga-grand-exhaulted-loaf-inducer of them all, GRAPES. These grapes were the best grapes I've had in forever, they were gigalicious to say the least.